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The Side Project

will we ever learn?

just dont forget to breath,
a broken dreams and gravity will bring you down and out and now it leaves you hanging by a thread
so set me free,
the passion buried deep inside within you

what comes around?

what is left for me to stand up for?
tell me how to fight a losing war?
(and i can never give up)
tell me is this real and there is nothing left to fear inside
in your hand is where your life lays

i refuse to die without a scar
i’m falling i cant wait to hit the floor
(follow me there)
make the moments last forever
live it loud is now or never
in your hand is where your life lays

i’m not afraid of falling short these time around
i’m not afraid to lose and leave it all behind
but now i hold my head up high
but now i hold my head up high
but now i hold my head up high
live it loud its now or ever

were you out there?
won’t you take me with you?
were you out there?
are you out there?

Tanpa Suara

THE SIDE PROJECT (2001-2007)
Faddy Alkatiri vocals
Dochi Sadega guitars & screams
Andhika Hardie (tlor) Bass
Ayie Deadbolt Guitars
Pasha Acam drums vocal

Tanpa Suara (2003)
Lyrics by: Dochi Sadega

intro adegan sinetron: “kayanya sekarang tuh aku udah gabisa bikin kamu seneng, apa-apa yang aku lakuin itu salah bikin kamu marah, hubungan kita tuh dah ga enak, damn man! kamu tuh banyak gitu yang suka, kamu layak dapet orang yang lebih baik dari aku” LOL


aku tersisih, gelap terasingi, lebam dan tertunduk
aku tenggelam, dingin terakhiri, kalah yang tersisa

aku lelah
aku lemah
(hancurkan leburkan semua!)

hancurkan aku dan buat aku kuat
(hancurkan! lepaskan!)
leburkan aku dan buatku sempurna
(hancurkan! leburkan!)

hentikan aku, beku kudisini
seperti teriak didunia tanpa suara
biarkan debu hapus hilang hari ini
biarkan, biarkan hilang

ah, ku lelah
ah, ku lemah
(hancurkan leburkan semua!)

hancurkan aku dan buat aku kuat
(hancurkan! lepaskan!)
leburkan aku dan buatku sempurna
(hancurkan! leburkan!)

puisi seorang pecundang:
aku berdiri disini dengan sejuta mata memandang kosong tak berarti
aku hanya bisa terdiam diantara suara-suara yang sangat keras membunuhku
tak ada lagi ruang kosong disini, hanya omong kosong dan sumpah serapah yang terucap
apakah hanya aku yang rasakan? apa tak ada lagi harapan?
aku ingin sunyi, hentikan suara itu, hancurkan suara itu
aku ingin sepi, hentikan suara itu, hentikan

aku adalah angka dibawah satu
aku adalah pesawat yang kau rakit dari hati yang kau hancurkan

ah, ku lelah
ah, ku lemah
(hancurkan leburkan semua!)

hancurkan aku dan buat aku kuat
(hancurkan! lepaskan!)
leburkan aku dan buatku sempurna
(hancurkan! leburkan!)

tanpa suara!
tanpa suara

Pieces Of February

THE SIDE PROJECT (2001-2007)
Faddy Alkatiri vocals
Dochi Sadega guitars & screams
Andhika Hardie (tlor) Bass
Ayie Deadbolt Guitars
Pasha Acam drums vocal

Pieces of February (2001)
Lyrics by: Ayie Deadbolt

the tears have dried
this heart is broken
the clocks ran out
left alone and sober
and the time stands still
as life just passes by

as we’re breaking up
just making friends
you put up a fight til the very end
well i miss you a lot
i guess you wont be staying

with all left aside and far behind me
i try to get this right
but still i wonder why you left
i cant understand it

sleep with the angels, darling
lay your head to rest on a bed of clouds
sleep without a doubt
sleep with the angels, darling
let the stars above be your bed post light
you are safe tonight

like a rainbow that has lost its colours
like a meadow full of dying flowers
like a broken ship sailing in the storm

here i sits tonight above this rooftop
light a joint and choke hope for you to come down from the stratosphere
cause i can only hope

with all left aside and far behind me
i try to get this right
but still i wonder why you left
i cant understand it

sleep with the angels, darling
lay your head to rest on a bed of clouds
sleep without a doubt
sleep with the angels, darling
let the stars above be your bed post light
you are safe tonight

a song for your dad

a song for your dad
kid on a rocket ride

tell your dad i’m a good boy
and i’m not going to hurt you
or take you away from his arms
take your time to know me more
i’m more than just your eyes can see
lets do this tonight
so tell your dad i’m a nice kid
just lay your arms around me
stand so close beside me, dear
take your time to know me more
i’m more than just your eyes can see
let’s do this tonight
now is the time that i want you around
and i’m sick writting songs singing wish you were here
now is the time that i want you around
and i’m making you a sad song just to let you know how it hurts
i’ve found a way to get you now
but i’m afraid i cant keep up with your heart
and now it comes to this conclution
i’ve got you now
but i’m afraid i cant keep up with your heart
let’s take a walk around the town
let’s hit the bus and tour the city
don’t let go my hand now
you know you look pretty
let’s get to your favorite restaurant
and eat til we’re fat and ugly
please understand your daughter loves me more than anything
my good intentions fail
it’s falling apart
i want you here
everytime i feel so empty inside
i’m sick of this



jum'at (16/07) hadir ke sekolah baru saya di SMKN 36 Clincing Jakarta Utara untuk mnghadiri acara PRAMOS/Pemgarahan MOS/ , saya diterima di jurusan/ kompetensi keahlian AP(Agribisnis Perikanan ). disana saya bertemu dengan teman baru ada yg sudah kenal waktu di SMP dan ada yg baru kenal di SMK , tepat pukul 14.00 setelah sholat jum;at para Taruna baru dikumpulkan di lapangan , kami diatur oleh tim penegak disiplin/ kaka kelas, kami diaturbarisan per baris per jurusan , disana saya mendapat pengarahan dari guru maupun dari kaka penegak disiplin, mulai dari pengarahan pelaksanaan mos yaitu perlengkapan yang harus dibawa nanti sampai lokasi dan waktuny, waktu dilapangan kaka pembina dan guru mengadakan beberapa permainan agar kami tidak jenuh , dan setelah selesai permainan tibalah saat yg ditunggu tunggu , pengarahan dari, Bpk Kepala Sekolah , Bpk Dedi Dwitagama , hemm pengarahanya bermacam macam mulai dari kedisiplinan hingga prestasi di sekolah ini, tepat pukul 17,00 kami dipulangkan , sesampainya dirumah saya langsung mnceritakan hal ini pada orang tua saya ,


terima kasih buat penggemar buat label orang tua dan seorang yg sangat spesial buat saya 'zeroku'  dan yang udah vote kami di 'NIPPON FESTIVAL 2010' di osaka 12/6 kemarin sebagai band copycat tervaforit, sekali lagi terima kasih buat semua yg udah dukung kami*

*ngarang hahaha mohon maap yg saya tulis di atas itu cuma boongan huahahahhaha